Articles / An Autumn Camp -2015
Published: 2015-10-26
Category: Camps, Treks & Adventures
The golden, orange, red and brown colors of the woods reflected in the perfectly silent mirror of the lake. The dark waters were in total contrast to the clear blue sky. Only the occasional dip of the paddles could be heard while we were crossing the lake with our gear laden canoe. It was too short. Much too short time spent on a small island, on the cliff above the lake, in good company. Paddling over the lake my thoughts went to the last three days spent here…
The area we arrived in on Friday was a hilly, craggy woodsy bit dotted with lakes in all sizes. The one chosen for this adventure was not too big, but had an island in the middle, that we wanted to camp on. There were not enough canoes for all so some ferrying was done to get gear, humans and dogs over. There we found a perfect spot – and used by some fire wilding creatures before us, judging by some old fireplace remains we found – a high spot with a great view over the lake and the opposite woods towards the setting sun.
Campmaking procedure was extremely fast, as solitary or commune sleepers dived under the large green spruces to find dry spots. We were in luck – the ground was dry, and the trees provided loads of shelter, but for good measure some tarps were thrown up.
Right after that the fire was started – and somehow, I don’t know why, it seemed that a ganging up on me as the firemaker (with spectators) was the thing to do. Well, fire was made and firewood collected, food started simmering. The weekend was full of surprises, as we actually ate our dinner while the sun still was over the horizon, and I noticed myself several times looking in disbelief on what I was eating – and actually seeing what I was eating.
A great evening followed with a Grande surprise – we [Gvido & Kamilla] got accepted as members of the SMM. Surprised and happy and totally overwhelmed we listened to the speech given and looked at the nice welcome presents we got. Of course an occasion as this should not be left un-moistened, so a sip or eight of the companies rum was applied. We did not ran out of this substance, which explains a lot my wondering on why the canoes were so low in water.
Next day was used on canoeing, breakfasting, fishing from canoe or beach, collecting of firewood, making dinner and trying to keep the dogs away from the fishing bait. In this last task we did not succeed, as one of the dogs licked a hook with bait and got caught… luckily the hook was not swallowed, and luckily the company had some period plyers. The dog gave a small yelp, was freed, and 10 minutes later was scrounging around the fireplace for leftovers. We packed the fishing gear. Some preparations for dinner were made, a good woodlands feast was prepared, and again we had a great evening under the open sky and starts, with the merry fire throwing a warm light on the surrounding trees and stones. A great deal of amusing stories and good learning were exchanged, some rum tasted and bacon fried.
And so, the last morning came… just now things were settling into the nice outdoor routine, but the modern life called for us. We packed camp and did the ferry sailing across the lake. And as I listened for the rear man dipping his paddle and checked if I should do the same, the memories of this awesome fall camp made me smile and wish for a day or two more… or at least for a return to the spot some other day!